Monday, November 14, 2011

I will never leave this", Aren't there enough graves in Egypt!, Behold I have told you before, Our very own Priesthood, Our very own Primary‏

Man.... great week... I am utterly exhausted thank heavens for P-day but man it was such a good week.

Elder Bangani and I continued our fire this week. We have realized how much power scriptures have if you read dialogue with gusto. So this week we put it to work. We have an investigator who received her answer but is afraid to leave her church. We went to the story of Moses at the red sea with the Egyptians closing in behind and the people began to murmur. "ARE there not enough graves in Egypt! Why did you bring us here to die, we said let us Alone!" We related that to how they had seen the deliverance of the lord, the plagues, the fire from heaven, the destroying angel, and seemingly forgot about that with the sea before them. "Stand still and see the salvation of God" Boom spoken with authority and with promised blessings. here was the response "I would like to be baptized."

We had a guy this week also a pastor from Kenya who told us the book of Mormon was of Satan and that it gave people in his congregation nightmares. Boom TESTIFY. Elder Bangani came back with the earth shattering testimony and said this "If you believe the Book of Mormon is against Christ and gives nightmares what about these verses? (he went on to quote about 5) then He said, if you don't take this seriously you are a waste of our time." Boom haha. " He tried to fire back and said "you don't have the spirit!" We then crushed him by totally destroying his authority, his school of pastors and gave him the "you will be judged according to your acceptance of this book talk" Man I love it.

We're both at this point where we are starting to get missionary work and the area is blazing. I wish I would have got it like this a year ago... But then again each little bit of your mission shapes you and no one will ever live your experience. Simply you just need to grow from it, improve, take it for what it is, and make it the best to years. We're living the dream now.

Speaking of our awesome branch. Boom! This week we had 11 Melc. priesthood aged males and church and for the first time held our own priesthood meeting. It was awesome. not really your traditional meeting but just a counsel of how to grow the church and how to be better priesthood holders. I believe in the early days of the church it was probably much like that. Mpho our golden of gold-en's said "I can never leave this, even if all of you leave, I can't leave this. I will never, and I have never had anything like this." I feel we are pioneering something great and being even the smallest part of this work is nothing short of legendary. Our primary has grown to about 20 and yesterday was so fun just reading from the book of Mormon like a story book. " How come when you read the scriptures its fun" Man I love this place.

This month I have no doubt we'll get at least 5 baptisms. But 8 are possible if its supposed to happen. But regardless of that the work goes forth, we find prepared people every day, and this is the proverbial bomb dot com. Thank you good night

Elder Robinson

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